Great Ideias for the Future.

작성자: Debiddo
70 0 2015-07-26
> Quests required to go to D-Terminal (Dats Uniform (Quest)

   We Believe that it is illogical for a New Tamer go to the Digital World without Satsuma´s (A.K.A Sampson) permission. The Quest which you receive the DATS Uniform ( its perfect for this case. With that, new Tamers will get to know previously unknown Maps, and follow a Certain way in the Beginning of the Game, and will get to know the basics that Digimon Masters can offer to every player.
> NEW System : Combine Similar Evolution Lines
   We also think that this System should have been made a long time ago, also you may notice that this system is present in most Digimon Games out there, it would be a Great addition for Digimon Masters.
   We think that Culumon or Satsuma NPCs would be suitable for this this service.
   The system consists on the union of Similar Evolutions in a Single Mercenary Digimon.
    Here are like some examples:
  Unite: Veemon (Veedramon), Veemon (ExVeemon); (
  Unite: Salamon (Mikemon), Salamon (Gatomon), Salamon (BlackGatomon), Salamon (Silphymon); (
  Unite: Kotemon (Gladinmon), Kotemon (Musyamon); ( 
  Unite: Dogmon, Dobermon; ( 
  Unite: Deputymon, Starmon; (
  Unite: DORUmon (DORUgamon), DORUmon (DexDORUgamon), DORUmon (Raptordramon); (
  Unite: Haguromon (Guardromon), Haguromon (Mekanorimon); (
  Unite: Gomamon (Vikemon), Gomamon (Jijimon); (
  Unite: Palmon (Togemon), Palmon (Woodmon), Lalamon, Kiwimon;
  Unite: Hawkmon (Valdurmon), Hawkmon (Silphymon); (
  Unite: Agumon (Savers), Agumon (Classic), Agumon (Omegamon), BlackAgumon;
  Unite: Gaomon, Gabumon (Omegamon), Gabumon (Z'dGarurumon), BlackGabumon; (
  Unite: Elecmon, Bearmon; (
  Unite: DemiDevimon (Devimon), DemiDevimon (Bakemon), DemiDevimon (Soulmon); ( 
  Unite: Patamon (Seraphimon), Patamon (Jogress); (
   According to our discussions, it would be logical to have some kind of "Sacrifice", so you can Select the Evolution line that you wish to have.
   But to do that, we concluded that it would be good to have some kind of Requirement: Example: A certain quantity of Bits or even an Item.
> Continuity for The Armor System ( A.K.A Digimental ).
   There is going to be a lot of good Hard-Working for this System, it Started at 2014/04/16 (
and was abruptly interrupted at 2014/06/11 (; Without any explanation.
   We also have Suggestions on new Raid Bosses, Located in new Dimensions ( A.K.A Dungeons ). Raid Deltamon or Even Raid Cherubimon (Virus), so we can have more variety and options to get prizes like the "Old Armor Digi-Eggs" or even "Necklaces", as we talked about it, and we thought it would be a great start for beginners.
> Riders Upgrades + Starter Riders  
   Lots of players usually use Riders as a Form of locomotion in the game, most of the Times, its Really expensive, and its definitely not worthy... 
   Considering the Opinion of most players, they think ALL Riders should be invulnerable against Agressive Digimon, Just like all the Riders that are "Ultimate" or "Super Ultimate" for that matter, "Adult", "Child", or "Perfect" should be the same. 
   We dont think its fair that the Starters Digimons dont have any Riders Available, Because, According to the Following Game Note (, you can clearly see Ikuto ( A.K.A Kenaan ) sitting on top of Yatagaramon \ Crowmon, why is this not in the game? why not? It would be really good for New Players!
> Xros Wars System
   Unfortunatelly, its probably the least Organized system in whole game, and it needs to be fixed, as Soon as Possible! 
   With the Arrival of KaiserGreymon, it becomes really wierd and out of place having the Xros wars Digimon having "Evolutions" from "Child" to "Ultimate", that dont even Change form, so , the best thing to do is turn them into something "similar" as the Frontier Digimons, BUT, With a Unique form, that has the power of a "Ultimate" (A.K.A Mega). 
   With that, we can have a rebalancing for the Xros Wars Digimons, as said before, the "Mercenarys" Having the Power of an "Ultimate" (Currently: Shoutmon,Ballistamon and Dorulumon), And then, Shoutmon X2 Having a power of a "Super Ultimate", and finally, Shoutmon X3, Having a Power of an Jogress similar to Omegamon or Silphymon.
   We have really big Problems with Shoutmon X2 and Shoutmon X3 :
    Problem 1 - There is NO logic on the Digimon Levels: When you Perform the "Digi-Xros" action for the first time, you notice that your Mercenary Digimon ( Not the Xros Wars Digimon ) stays as your Active Partner. once you summon any "Xrossed" Forms, apparently adding the level of all, and then divided by the number of Xros Wars Digimon. But when one of then "Levels" up, the Exp does not change for "DigiXrossed" Forms.
    Even so, its possible to have a Shoutmon X2 and Shoutmon X3 at lvl 99, so with that, we concluded:
      - Excecute "Digi-Xros" Only when all the Xros Wars Digimon are lvl 99
      - Leveling up with the "Digi-Xrossed" Form until lvl 99, as a new Individual Digimon
    Problem 2 - "DigiClon Enchancement System" is not applicable on "Digi-Xrossed" Forms (Currently Shoutmon X2 and Shoutmon X3): Currently, the "Cloning Machine" is Unavailable for any "Digi-Xrossed" forms (Shoutmon X2 and Shoutmon X3), with that, is not Possible Making those forms Better, when you try to get in the Machine, a message is Shown, the same message that showns up to Jogresses ( Example: Omegamon, Examon, Etc...), and, even if you Enchance Shoutmon, Ballistamon or Dorulumon, it wont be distributed on The forms of Shoutmon X2 , or Shoutmon X3. Making it Really confusing. 
    Problem 3 - Dark Towers: Formerly, it was Possible to get into the Dark Tower Areas with the "Digi-Xrossed" forms (Shoutmon X2 and Shoutmon X3) (, but, Since the releasing of The Armor Evolutions (A.K.A Digimental) and the Kimeramon Raid Boss, this fact has been changed.But it was acceptable at first. 
But, with the adding of Kaisergreymon to the game, things got really confusing and poorly organized, Because he can do Whatever things that the "Digi-Xrossed" forms could do before and its even stronger! I mean, do you really think its fair? A Digimon that has a power of a Jogress can Kill Kimeramon in less than 10 minutes and stay at Dark tower Areas but "Digi-Xrossed" forms cannot? It makes nosense. 
     Problem 4 - Memory Skills Cannot be used on any Xros Wars Digimons: That is another thing that devalued this system, you Cannot apply any Kind of memory skills on then and, Worse: when you Summon a Xros Wars Digimon, it Overwrites your Current "Average" Mercenary Digimon, with that, the horrible bug happens: the memory skills that you had in your "Average" Mercenary Digimon are Gone, this bug is usually "Fixed" by Changing maps or Ch's ,but , sometimes this "Tactic" does not work, that means, you Lost your so disired memory skill, it simply disappears, making the Xros Wars system harmful for those who use memory skills.
   To Fix all of these problems, we came to a conclusion that it would be a great idea to change ALL of the system´s logic and execution:
     - Removing the "Unnecessary" Evolutions from the Xros Wars Digimons and Making sure to know what are exactly Shoutmon X2 and Shoutmon X3, because they appear to be "Jogress" type, but at the same time, it appears that they are acting as individual Digimon.
     - Not entirely related but, after some discussion, we think its unfair that kaisergreymon can Go on The Kimeramon Raid Boss (Hero and Normal) (As said before) so, if "Xrossed Forms" cannot stay active in dark towers anymore, we think that Kaisergreymon should not be allowed inside the Digimon Kaiser lab (Kimeramon Raid Dimension).
     - Making the Xros Loader act like some Kind Extra "Digimon Storage", with that, the Xros Wars Digimons would be similar to the behaviour of Frontier Digimons, and the Xros loader could even help us in some creative ways, to get to new places (Dimensions), just like in the Original Xros Wars Series. 
   There are certain doubts about the Code Crowns and DigiXros Chips. As we talked about it, we ask ourselves such things and we obtained the following conclusions:
     - Spend Code Crowns instead of "bits" when Changing the Digimons that are Located in the Xros Loader.
     - In the case of Shoutmon X3 and Shoutmon X3 being individual Digimons, we use Code Crows to CREATE them (Something similar ans de Frontier system, refering to the Bokomon book item)
     - in the case of Shoutmon X2 and Shoutmon X3 being "Jogresses" types, the Idea is to use the "Xros Wars Chips" ( Shoutmon Chip, Ballistamon Chip , Dorulumon Chip ) the idea is to use these chips as Jogress Chips using then in slots or in non existing Slots.
    These were our Ideas and Solutions for this system, we from "Arkanjos Guild" concluded. But we talked to other players and we believe that a lot of other people can agree, that this system needs fixing and good new upgrades, and we also know that this fixing will require a lot of work, but it will be worth it at the end.
> Skill Active and Passive for All Digimon.
Add Skills that can be activated at any time, in or out of battle, and assist each attack or planning every move. We think of Skills type:
           - UlforceVeedramon: 
             Skill Name: Holy Overwrite
             Type: Passive.
             Effect: When enabled, causes it to regenerate HP constantly cost of DS. Consumer 1 DS point for Regenerate 1 HP point.
            - Arkadimon (Ultimate):
              Skill Name: Dot Matrix
              Type: Active
              Effect: A 3rd Skill that does damage in proportion to their amount of HP. Example: Arkadimon (Ultimate) has 10000 HP, damage to your Skill is 10000, or something like that.
           - Seraphimon:
              Name: Excalibur
              Type: Active
              Effect: A 3 Skill making a proportional damage to the Light Seraphimon Attribute, with a 5000 Damage (+50% AT Added), there is no effect when opponent is not a Dark Type.
            - ShadowSeraphimon:
               Name: Fallen Excalibur
               Type: Active
               Effect: A Skill 3 makes a proportion of damage to Dark ShadowSeraphimon Attribute, with a 5000 Damage (+50% AT Added), there is no effect when opponent is not a Eletrical Type.
    Some Digimon already have a "kind" of Skill Passive or Active:
       - Alphamon Ouryuken: From time to time makes a "Extra Damage" out of time (AS)
       - Otamamon Line: When you are using it, every item in a NPC Shop has 5% OFF.
OBS.: The idea is only for the Ultimates Forms.
> BugFix on Memory Skills.
   Not a problem, but needs some attention.
All Memory Skill when activated shortly after the Loading screen of a map disconnects you from the server. How often made friends being disconnected unintentionally when using Skill Sprint (질주), or the Tree of Life (생명 의 나무) or Healing Touch (치유 의 손길).
   Command of Life Time (구사일생) has a problem in specific when used in Merc less than 30% HP. You must wait for them to get another Damage or Block (Miss does not count) after the Skill is activated, otherwise no effect.
   There is a possible improvement to the Memory Offensive Skills and Defensive, where they can be activated in the Party States, or even beyond.
Power turn into enemies during PvE would also be fun.
> The DAT's Uniform leaves your Starter Digimon Buff with Affinity 35, 55 or 80.
   To spark interest in Starter Digimon and greater value to the "Uniform DATs," they shoud give a "Bonus Status" to this item, it was our conclusion.
   We think 35 is already more than enough to every player. Meaning a high degree of affection to Starter.
> All Achievements with Buff's for Specific Digimon.

   After Magnamon relese to the game, the first was added to Title Game Buff, with the effect of increasing 100HP and 100DS. Subsequently, they appeared other Titles increasingly popular.
   Planting in our thoughts: "Why not add effects to other titles?". A default would be enough.
   Talking with the Tamers form Guild's: Arkanjos (Server: 리리스몬), Wahalksong (Server: 리리스몬), XrosHunters (Server: 리리스몬) and other Guilds not mentioned but good influence. They were suggesting numerous types of buffs, such as:
      "Examon Achievement" The DS Tamer is not consumed when the Examon Evolution is in use.
      "DexDORUgoramon Achievement" DexDORUgoramon recover a small amount of HP when erase any opponent.
> Player Kill System   |  Guild vs Guild.
    The best solution against Bots;
    The most fun way to Roleplay on any game;
    Of course, you would need certain requirements to do so:
       - A certain Lv Tamer
       - A Quest to run this System.
> Continued Dimension Sovereign. (Fire, Thunder, Metal and Earth)
    We have not been promised anything related to it, but it was amazing that idea and we look forward to continue.
   Despite Bugs that happen from time to time, this dynamic: If you move and always be aware, it was an excellent idea.
   We want Zhurquiamon, QuingLongmon, Baihumon and even HuangLongmon, have their tactics and strategies challenging.
   Recently in the game files Zhurquiamon saw the linen, we are hopeful about what might come.
> Raids: BanchouLeomon, DeathX and Lucemon
    Let's start with BanchouLeomon that was the Raid test in KDMO the kickoff as they would know any "Boss" with Skills. He was removed long before the term "RAID" was added to the game, it would be good thing to see him in the game again. (
     Death X: It Was Added to the Game Files, inside a Folder Called "deathxmon_RaidBoss". They never announced anything related to it, but we believe it was Omegamon X evidences.
     Lucemon: In the same update that added the "Death X", the "LucemonFalldown_RaidBoss" folder appeared in the game files, Agnimon and BurningGreymon had been newly added, started thinking about plans for a dimension where we would face all forms of Lucemon. As a Final Battle.
> Jogress: Valkirymon, Chaosmon, Paildramon, Dinobeemon, Zwart Omegamon and Omegamon X.
I do not think "Jogress" should be the ultimate symbol of strength in Digimon Masters. I think that everything must be balanced for different types of players. Some examples I can mention are:
           - Beelzebumon Blast Mode: Excellent Long Range Skills, but he is very weak at Melee Combat:
             HP: Low;
             AT: Low;
             Skills: Long Range;
             Damage Skill: High;
             Colldown Skill: Low;
             AS: High;
             Critical: Low;
          - Gulphmon: Excellent in Melee, and slightly weak to Long Range:
             HP: High;
             AT: Low;
             Skills: Melee and Long Range;
             Damage Skill Melee: High;
             Damage Skill Long Range: Low;
             Cooldown Skill: Average;
             AS: Low;
             Critical: High;
          - Alphamon Ouryuken: Excellent in Melee, and very bad on Long Range:
            HP: High;
            AT: High;
            Skills: Melee;
            Skill Damage: Lower and Middle;
            Cooldown Skill: High;
            AS: low;
            Critical: High;
These are examples of how to distribute damage and style of play for each Digimon. It works, but tends to improve the way game by removing the "sameness" of each Digimon.
[Jogress] Valkirymon: Originally an Ultimate Evolution which was canceled on the release day (Link), rumors say that there were problems with "Copyright" but its been a long time since that, and we wonder if we can have him playable. maybe as an...
[Jogress] Chaosmon: BanchouLeomon and Darkdramon are in the game a long time and nothing of that famous and strange Jogress. There were many requests, on the "/comm/need.aspx" but no manifestation or satisfaction about it. The Tamer "Leo27BR" from Server: 리리스몬 some time ago made a simple script of a possible history of Digimon that we disire to be in the game:
                   "Quests BanchoLeomon:
                       1st Quest - Ending the Rivalry
                            Erase 100 Bearmons in Snowstorm Village.
                       2nd Quest - Ending the rivalries 2
                            Erase 100 Grizzmons in Maze F2
                       3ªQuest - Being the 'Lion King'
                            Erase 200 Leomons in Wind Valley.
                       4ªQuest - More Attack
                            Erase 300 Gizumons XT in Infinite Ice Wall.
                       5ªQuest - Against his Fellows
                            Erase 200 Wargreymons in DarkTower and 200 MetalGururumon in Distorted Warp Data Village."
                  "Quests DarkDramon:
                       1ªQuest - Codename: BAN-TYO
                            Erase 50 Commandramons in Green Zone and drop 100 Dark Matter.
                       2ªQuest - Codename: BAN-TYO 2
                            Erase 50 Sealsdramon in Wild Valley and drop 100 Dark Matter.
                       3ªQuest - Master 'Dramon'
                            Drop 200 Dark Matter from Server Continent's Devidramons.
                       4ªQuest - Justice with own "Spear"
                            Erase 200 Guilmons in Snowstorm Village and drop the item "Gram"
                       5ªQuest - Against his Fellows.
                            Erase 200 Wargreymons in DarkTower and 200 MetalGururumon in Distorted Warp Data Village."
[Jogress] Paildramon or Dinobeemon: he's the unique famous Perfect Jogress combination that is not in the game. Perhaps a problem with time and availability.
[Jogress] Zwart Omegamon: We don't have much to discuss. We have Omegamon, Black Agumon and Black Gabumon, why not Zwart Omegamon?
[Jogress] Omegamon X: No complaints, just do not forget it, that was promised even before the KaiserGreymon. On many QnAs, Omegamon X was mentioned, and always with answers referring to a challenge.
> Quests Unlock Quests: Super Ultimate Evolution and Side Ultimate Evolution.
   Alternative methods to continue the Play-to-Win, is something that can call more Players.
   Quests to unlock Super Ultimates and Side Ultimates Evoluitons would be really cool, like the Jogress. Each Tamer can do only once the Quest for the "Item [Payment]", even if there Digimon with same Evoluitons. Example:
      - Monodramon, Revolvermon and Starmon: To win the "Critical Arms" (Fujinmon) will be allowed to make only one free. Others will be by buying in CashShop.
?> D-Terminal and Digital Dive [NPC].
   To be consistent with the Anime, Manga, and the current DATs, access Western Region and Glacier Region, using the Digital Dive which is in Satsuma's Room would be really cool.
   This will make the D-Terminal's Room with a good organization:
- Change Elecmon for a Gennai NPC to be in charge of Maps related to Digimon Adventure.
- Guilmon, Renamon and change Lopmon for a Terriermon NPC to be in charge of Maps related to Digimon Tamers.
- Bokomon or Ophanimon NPC to be in charge of Maps related to Digimon Frontier.
- Jijimon NPC responsible for the Digimon Xros Wars based Maps.
> Duftmon's Maze (DG Duftmon)
    The Duftmon dimension that would be located in Western, it would be something to celebrate the arrival of Duftmon?.
   To date has not yet been released, but always find myself confuse about resele plans, and there is evidence of having such plans.
> Green Zone and Smile Village as Online Maps.

   We believe this map is too big to stay only as a "Offline Dimension", It is barely active, its rare to see players going to this map. and it can be used to great things.
He needs to be more useful,: having a Logic that is more complex, it would be a great addition for more players to visit the map.
Some Examples:
- MadLeomon Armored Mode: It could have even more HP and perhaps even remove those bombs.
- MadLeomon Final Mode: It could have more HP, and as it increases in size, its Skill gets stronger.