[이벤트] 2019 디지몬 마스터즈 온라인 온라인 간담회

작성자: Darack
10 0 2019-02-27

1.-New TITLES System; Nowadays the most difficult titles of the game have been forgotten since only the new titles give benefits, it would be good to remake them, but, how? one of the best ideas would be to classify the titles by rarity so each title would have a certain amount of capacity (example, capacity 0/100), now, each title has a certain score , with that score different types of attributes would be unlocked (example. , DS, AT, AS, CT, like seals) and each attribute would have a value depending on the number of stats (example: +250 HP = 10 capacity), so they could use an infinite number of titles and adapt them to their needs.

2.- Expand Crowd Control; Armor Digimon System, will always be one of the best updates of the game, even greater than the Digimon X, the reason is the implementation of Crowd Control and buff in the skills, it would be good to add in the future more digimon with those capabilities , this together with the memory skills would create a new metagame, in which the role of support, tank and fighter would be even more marked.

3.- New Bag & Warehouse interface; It would be great a new interface of Bag & Warehouse, something similar to the current warehouse, but with different tabs, one that shows all the objects, and others that divide them by Food, Clone and Reinforcement items, Monster Cards or Invocation items, Digimon Eggs and Digimon Items (like Data, Evoluter, Burst Mode Items, Armor DigiEgg) , Item Quest, etc., that would be a good filter to always have the objects organized, and the fact that it has a scroll could increase the inventory capacity, even keeping Bag Expansion as the default object to unlock it.

서버: 리바이어몬

테이머: Darack